Before you start playing, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the manual for launching the game How To Start.
So, you are ready to play! Embark on a journey to your farm to start growing vegetables, discover new locations and build the largest and coolest farm in the game!
Now you're ready to play! Get your first experience by growing vegetables and collecting wood, stone, and clay. Click on seedbeds and plant carrots. Once they've fully grown, you can harvest them.
Harvested crops can be found in the warehouse.
Complete your first task to level up your character to the second level! Once you've done that, you'll be granted a house upgrade and access to location 2.
To build a level 2 house, click on the house on the plot or the house icon at the bottom of the game UI. Here, you'll discover how much wood, stone, and clay you'll need to finish the upgraded house.
You can get building resources such as stone, wood, and clay by mining resources in the location..
Having collected the required resources, you can build a level 2 house. Then, make a new house and open a location 2. Grow new plants and mine resources in the new location!
Upgrading your house opens access to new locations, beds, and vegetables for growing.